Grimware 2012-11-22T17:17:28+00:00 Grimware text/html 2012-11-21T14:54:44+00:00 Targhan documentations:software:arkos.tracker:start Arkos Tracker is a freeware Windows-based tracker to compose music for the AY3-8912, a soundchip used in the Amstrad CPC, but also on MSX, Spectrum, Atari ST and many other computers in the 80's. Arkos Tracker is born from the native CPC tracker called STarKos, which I also programmed. It retains most of its features, extends some, and will evolve in future versions. text/html 2012-07-17T09:52:07+00:00 Grim documentations:expansions:mf2:start [Multiface Two (with a PCB Edge connector)] The Multiface Two is a multi-purpose expansion devices produced by Romantic Robot UK Ltd. in 1988. It has two push button: RESET and STOP. The RESET button simply reset the CPC/Plus at any time whatever the program running is. The STOP button is much more interesting, it will stop the execution of the current program and run instead the built-in MF2 toolkit (or a third party custom program). text/html 2012-06-15T21:05:28+00:00 Grim documentations:software:locomotive.basic:start “It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.” Edsger W. Dijkstra. Locomotive BASIC is a proprietary implementation of the BASIC programming language and was developped by Locomotive Software. It features dedicated commands for handling graphics, sounds, timers and files (on tape or disc). Additionnal commands can be easily added through the RSX syste… text/html 2012-06-15T20:56:02+00:00 Grim documentations:software:locomotive.basic:romversion - created You can check your Locomotive BASIC version with this short BASIC listing: 10 MODE 2:FOR i=0 TO 24:READ a:POKE &4000+i,a:NEXT:CALL &4000 20 PRINT"Version ";PEEK(0);".";(PEEK(1)*10+PEEK(2)) 30 DATA &0E,&00,&CD,&0F,&B9,&C5,&21,&01 40 DATA &C0,&11,&00,&00,&01,&03,&00,&ED 50 DATA &B0,&C1,&78,&CD,&0F,&B9,&C3,&0C 60 DATA &B9 text/html 2012-04-29T01:17:17+00:00 Grim start * Arkos (demogroup on the Amstrad CPC) * Semilanceata (Psychopomps of the Amstrad Plus) is a non-profit website run and authored by a weirdo using his CPCs daily since 1987. While every reasonable step is taken to ensure that all information displayed on this website is accurate, I give no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness, and accept no liability for any losses arising, however caused or alleged to have been caused. text/html 2011-07-23T20:07:41+00:00 Grim documentations:repository ROMs Amstrad gave permission for the CPC ROMs to be distributed freely as long as the copyright message is not changed and that the program acknowledges that Amstrad still holds copyright. Locomotive BASIC is copyright Locomotive Software. Firmware Version 1 (CPC 464) [The computer is mightier than the pen, the sword, and usually, the programmer.]